Eu4 Sons Of Carthage
EU4: Cradle of Civilizatioin - Tunis - Sons of Carthage 1. Welcome to a brand new campaign in Europa Universalis IV! Today we are going to be going for the Sons of Carthage achievement as Tunis.
Tunisian ideas Traditions: +20% Galley combat ability May raid coastsCatalan Guard +5% Infantry combat ability +5% Mercenary disciplineDual Diplomacy +1 Diplomatic relationCorsairs +1 Yearly navy tradition +10% Privateer efficiencyAttract Foreign Pirates +25% National sailors modifierBoard of Captains +1 Naval leader fireExport Monopolies +5% Trade efficiency +20% Domestic trade powerTunisian Caliphate +1 Tolerance of the true faith +0.1% Monthly pietyAmbition: +25% Naval force limit modifierTunis is a country in. In the 1444 start, Tunis guarantees the independence of. Tunis follows the Maliki school of Islam.
If Tunis ceased to exist, then it is reformable by any country with Tunisian or Berber culture. Contents.Raid Coasts Available only with the DLC enabled.Raiding coasts is a naval ability added in the Mare Nostrum expansion which allows fleets belonging to nations with the raid coasts idea, which in the base game belongs to the culture group (, and ), and to raid the coasts of other nations for loot and sailors of a different religion; this idea is also available for custom nations and, withAvailable only with the DLC enabled., pirate republics, which can raid the coasts of all neighbouring nations with no attention to their religion. Historically, this ability reflects the raids by Barbary pirates which were active in the 16th to 19th centuries. Raiding can provide a significant early-game boost to the income and sailor pools of nations that can do it.Reformation. Appoint him as our Grand Marshalgets an admiral named ‘Hayreddin Barbarossa’ with:. 4 shock. 4 fire.
4 maneuver. 2 siegeStrategy Initial position and actions Tunis starts out in a good position to expand. Its western and southern neighbours are weak, while and the door to the Italian provinces are just a seazone away. The rich Egyptian and Moroccan provinces are also nearby, slightly further afield.
Tunis begins with some good provinces of its own in Tunis, Bizerte and Sousse compared to the rest of North Africa. The Berber will help the player on the way to becoming a Mediterranean naval and trade power, as well as making it difficult for other nations to take Tunisian land (by increasing coring cost). While the begin the game in a strong position on Tunis’ eastern border, they will inevitably clash and usually lose to the. This means that allying the Ottomans is highly recommended though not necessary from the very beginning and if the player is unable to get an alliance or at least friendly, restarting could be necessary. (It should be said, however, that this alliance is not necessarily from the very beginning of the game.) Not only will Tunis and the Ottomans both be interested in taking Mamluk territory, but both nations have an interest in becoming great naval powers in the Mediterranean, as well as in stopping other nations like, and eventually / or one of the other Italian nations.In addition to allying the Ottomans, Tunis should also attempt to ally, but it will sometimes rival Tunis, making this impossible.
Special care needs to be taken in relations with Fezzan, because although this is territory that is seemingly a natural part of Tunis, Tunis begins the game guaranteeing Fezzan. Fezzan will often ally itself with the Mamluks and if the guarantee is broken, the Mamluks are likely to vassalize Fezzan. If this happens, however, the Mamluks will often annex the country as soon as possible, allowing the player to later capture the region in a war against the Mamluks with Ottoman support. Although at least one of Tunis’ smaller southern neighbors will be friendly toward Tunis, the military discrepancy between Tunis and all of these nations means that annexing and force-vassalizing them is both quick and easy. It is wise to try to diplomatically annex at least one of these nations as they all have increased coring cost as a national tradition as Tunis does. It is relatively easy to quickly conquer, and in quick succession or even in some combination if necessary.Tunis begins the game with a fort in Kef, bordering its capital in Tunis.
The player may wish to save up and build another fort on the border with to protect against a possible Mamluk invasion. (Alternatively, if the player wishes to wait, Jufra is an excellent location for a fort once conquered due to being desert terrain and bordering many provinces.) The arid terrain in the eastern provinces of Tunis will slow any Mamluk advance and force them to take attrition penalties as they attempt to siege down the fort. Building another fort on the border with may be helpful, but if Tunis takes or vassalizes Tlemcen early on that fort won't be useful unless Europeans land troops there later, and by then the player should have a large enough navy to prevent a landing.If the mission to “protect our brethren in Laghouat” is available, this allows the conquest of Mzab to begin as early as December 1444. Tunis’ diplomats should then be put to work fabricating claims on other Berber minors to the south, particularly Djerid and Touggourt. The player can consider using one diplomat to fabricate claims on Tlemcen if Tlemcen has not allied with Morocco as Tunis is unlikely to win an early war against both Tlemcen and Morocco.First years In the opening years the player's best course of action is to focus on the minor Berber nations to its south.
Mzab, Touggart, and Djerid will likely rival each other and Tlemcen may try to vassalize Mzab. Tunis needs to beat Tlemcen to that, and since a mission to conquer Laghouat (one of Mzab’s provinces) is usually available immediately, Tunis can get off to a quick start and head off potential Tlemceni interference in its acquisition of the provinces to its south.While diplomatic annexation of the Berber minors is a possibility, force vassalization is relatively easy and quick, though it is ideal to have only one vassal, so a mixture of direct annexation, vassalization, and feeding cores to Tunis’ vassal is optimal. When Tunis can spare, they should be used to fabricate claims on the nations which can't be vassalized. Once these nations have been annexed in one way or another, Tunis should be able to promote both Berber and Algerian cultures to accepted cultures.Missions will help Tunis get claims on Tlemcen if rivaled.
Although Tlemcen may start out friendly with Tunis, allying with them can hinder expansion, as conquering Tlemcen is an easy path to conquest and avoids immediately going up against Aragon or the Mamluks. Eventually Tunis will find itself in conflict with these larger and more powerful nations, but it needs to strengthen its position first.If Tunis is not over the relations limit and Tlemcen does not ally a power like Castile or the Ottomans, Tunis can vassalize them in a single war. If that doesn't happen Tunis should then take bites out of their land and feed some to vassals until the player's vassal has been annexed and room has been freed up to vassalize Tlemcen.Further expansion At this point Tunis can set its sights on Morocco to take territory and prevent Castilian and expansion there, expand north into Sicily and the other Mediterranean islands, or east into Egypt. All of these options are rather more dangerous than those Tunis has faced up to this point.Portugal and the Spanish powers, which Tunis may face in a fight over the Moroccan region can end up becoming very powerful off their colonies, so Tunis should take care when waging a war against them.
If battles against these powers go poorly, the player can consider trying to increase Piety before the next war for a morale bonus.Morocco can be a reasonably powerful rival to Tunis due to its fairly rich territory (at least by North African standards). Tunis does need to take care in invading Morocco since the forts in both Fez and Tafilat are in mountainous provinces, making sieging them quite difficult.
However, Tunis should generally be able to defeat Morocco after having annexed the Berber minors and Tlemcen. Tunis may also have a technological advantage over Morocco due to institution spread (discussed further below).European politics may well determine how easy or difficult Tunis’ expansion to the north will be. If Aragon and split up and Castile and Aragon end up fighting each other and/or, taking Sicily and may be easy, but continued expansion into the Italian peninsula can lead to some large European coalitions, especially if Tunis manages to take Rome. The Ottomans will help Tunis fight these powerful nations, but the player's Mediterranean fleet needs to be powerful enough to keep Europe at bay if Tunis expands this way. If the stars align to place a powerful united Spain in control of the western Mediterranean islands and southern Italy in Tunis’ way, northward expansion will be considerably more difficult.Finally, expanding east into Mamluk territory will give rich rewards from Egypt, but getting too close to the Ottomans without being powerful enough to take them on will lead to them betraying and attacking Tunis. A safe point to end eastward expansion is Sirt, as Bengazi (the westernmost province of the Egypt region) will be coveted by the Ottomans to complete their Conquer Egypt mission.
Although the Ottomans may eventually get missions to conquer Tripolitania and Tunisia, it is comparatively rare for this to happen, particularly if the Ottomans are allied to Tunis. However, as the game progresses, the player should bear in mind that there is a possibility that the Ottomans might take this mission and the Ottoman alliance may disappear.Ultimately, Tunis will likely want to expand in all three of these directions as well as down into West Africa and come into conflict with.
The Katsina node is of particularly interest early on since it feeds into the Tunis node, but later on as Tunis gains control of more of the western Maghreb, the Timbuktu node, which feeds into the Safi node, may become an attractive target for Tunisian conquest.Alternatively, a very viable strategy is to take Exploration as first idea group and target West Africa and the New World for expansion. For that approach, the player should limit expansion into Morocco to the Eastern and Southern provinces only, leaving the rest as a buffer against the Iberian powers. Then use the colonist to drive towards Timbuktu. Because of the significant technological advantage over the West African nations, expansion should be very easy. Make sure to save State slots for the rich gold mines in Mali and Kong. Once all of West Africa is subjugated, the player should be able to command a very large army that can easily take on Castile/Spain or Mamluks.Final goal At this point Tunis should hold significant portions of North Africa as well as the western Mediterranean islands and maybe Italy or parts of West Africa. If the goal as Tunis is to get the achievement, or form, Tunis will need to expand into Spain.
Dec 30, 2016 - Clash of Clans is a game where you need to know what to upgrade when. Do not go in a rush to upgrade your town hall! At first upgrade. Coc what to upgrade first th4. Base upgrade priorities/rules: Once your TH finishes, the first step before you start upgrading it to get all the new buildings from your new TH level (buildings,. Aug 29, 2016 - I get a lot of messages from Clashers saying that they just upgraded their Town Hall and want to know what to upgrade first. I worked a long.
If France has rivaled Castile/Spain, then allying them is a good move. Otherwise, the player can't do much except look out for a moment of weakness from Spain and build up the Tunisian army. If the event failed to fire or or are released in the early game, this will make it easier.If the goal is to control all of Africa then Tunis will also come up against Spain and Portugal as well as any other European powers that have colonized in Africa as well. To do this Tunis will need to build heavy ships to ensure the Tunisian navy can take on the Europeans outside as well as inside the Mediterranean. In terms of technology, however, Tunis should have relatively few problems dealing with nations in sub-Saharan Africa due to its beneficial location for institution spread.Idea groups will perform well above average for Tunis as gaining control of the Mediterranean will be crucial for any fights against other Mediterranean powers.
This should make Tunis’ galleys very powerful. For this reason, the player may also consider taking unless Tunis seeks to become a colonial power.Since one of Tunis’ natural directions of expansion is west, if Tunis can eventually gain a significant share (or control) of the Sevilla node, it can cash in on both its and other nations’ colonies. Will allow for the player to do this, though at an initial disadvantage relative to the Iberian powers, since Tunis’ start position is farther from the New World. If Tunis is only interested in expanding into Africa, may be a better choice.Other useful idea groups are the usual suspects: (particularly if/when Tunis establishes itself in the Sevilla node), if heavy conquest is anticipated, and whatever military decisions the player deems appropriate, though do deserve honorable mention for stacking nicely with the attrition penalty that Tunisian Ideas impose upon invaders.Trade strategy Tunis begins the game in 1444 exclusively controlling provinces in the Tunis node, and from a trade point of view, expansion does not immediately yield trade rewards.
With the exception of Titteri, the Tlemceni provinces to the west all lie in the Safi node, which is not connected to the Tunis node either upstream or downstream. (Both nodes, however, flow into the Sevilla node.) If Tunis does indeed expand west, the natural path from trade routes will push it toward the Sevilla node, where it will run into stiff competition from the Iberian powers as well as Mediterranean powers seeking to transfer trade downstream to Genoa. While Tunis can gain a healthy portion of the Sevilla node from controlling Morocco (and the in Tangiers) as well as with a large trade fleet, it will only be with the conquest of the province of Sevilla itself that Tunis can cement its control over this valuable trade node.However, if Tunis has also expanded to the north, it will face the dilemma of the western Mediterranean islands and parts of the Italian peninsula falling into the Genoa node.
Tunis may eventually set its sights on this node, though gaining significant power in it will be very costly, involving wars with Spain, well-connected and wealthy Italian states, and possibly even France.From a trade point of view, expansion eastward beyond Sirt in North Africa does not benefit Tunis unless it gains a significant share of the Genoa node, as the Alexandria node only transfers to Genoa and not to Tunis or Sevilla. This, in combination with the potential for a falling-out with the Ottomans over the area should make the player think twice before setting Tunis’ sights on Egypt.Achievements.
Well, I'm trying to get the achivement, so far I diploannex all you have near (fezan, touggart and te other two), I take 4 or 5 provinces of Tlemecen and Corcega.I finish wersternize at 1490 and have tech 5 of diplo, admin and militaryFor the ideas i choose Naval and invest up to te third idea for the +25 naval force limitCastille has no allies, but i'm in truce with them because they atack me and i get Oran from tem xDAlso I'm allied with the Otomans, but they are pretty useless except if i go for mamluksAny tip for what to do now? I let a picture of my situation. I did this achievemnt not so long ago. Very pleasent feeling.
The start was the same but i killed not diploannex. Then simultaniously you do:East front: allied Ottos against Mamluks. Took all the lucrative land up to Suez. Not further as Ottos wants Jerusalim, etc. Will take you several wars.South front: took settler to build power in South America and Carribean and to gain access to central Africa, took easily half of it.North front: just take all the needed island. Your navy will make it easy.West front: Start a war with Morocco, took their gold province close to you and took a province next to Portugal. Then the most important task.
You should build a navy up to the limit. And start a war with Portugal. Your navy should be able to kill alone all spanish and portugese navy. You take easily portugese provinces. Don't make core revocation. Then kill/vassilize Morocco to the end.In the peace time you start pirating Sevilla.
Eu4 Sons Of Carthage Iowa
Your main port is in Alexandria.Portugal and Spain will start wars against you all the time to take their land back. Your job is to destroy their navy. It will give you easy pirating in peace time.Next step is to wait for european religious war.
Eu4 Sons Of Carthage Tennessee
France will ally Ottos in the war so you will be able to ally France (no -50 to allying Ottos). Then I just try to easy brake my ally with Ottos. They will still love you and won't attack.Then start building army (quantity idea as you have low manpower). Send your army to France and attack Spain. Half a dozen wars and you have the achievement.You can take some Carribean land from Portugal and start privatiing there, it will give you 100-200 gold a month.