Natural Selection 2 Aliens
- Natural Selection 2 How To Change Aliens
- Natural Selection 2 Alien Commander
- Natural Selection 2 Alien Vision
Natural Selection 2 is a multiplayer video game which combines first-person shooter and real-time strategy rules. It is set in a science fiction universe in which a human team fights an alien team for control of resources and territory in large and elaborate indoor facilities. It is the sequel to Natural Selection.

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Natural Selection 2 How To Change Aliens
Is there a good tutorial or YT series I can watch, so I don't get frustrated again by it?I wanted to like the game but it was so hard to get into it.Edit: I bought the game on the first sale after it's release and played for about 2 weeks. So I'm sure a lot has changed, but the bad first experience kept me away from the game.
I might try it again this weekend. Honestly a tutorial won't help you much. This game just takes a lot of practice to get into as its so much different from any other FPS out there. Back when I use to play a lot, I would hold ridiculous KDs like 50:0 on free weekends, and I was the type of guy that could rarely hold a positive KD on a normal day. There are probably some good youtube tutorials on how to be a commander if you want to get into that (thats what originally got me into the game), but most things marine/alien related are going to be strategies and tips that won't matter much until fighting becomes more muscle memory.I would however suggest playing as alien as often as you can. They are all around easier to play, with the Fade being a possible exception to the rule.

Commanding as an alien was also ridiculously easy back when I use to play, but it may have changed a lot since then. The main issue with the game is the learning curve. The best games are easy to learn and difficult to master, and in the case of NS2, they have way too many mechanics simultaneously at work. You have asymmetric combat, unique movement systems, RTS strategy, and an assortment of other things. Don't get me wrong - I expect this is the best possible execution of this concept, and I logged a good 40+ hours on it. But it was never the kind of game that inspired me to play constantly like Overwatch.
Natural Selection 2 Alien Commander
It's just too complex. You say unique movement systems, but honestly, they borrow a lot from arena shooters.I think the most 'complicated' movement system is the skulk with its walljumps. Lots of new players, even veterans, are confused about this. But honestly; it's just your regular bunnyjumping that you know from quake or counter-strike - except you can set off from walls not just the floor.The fade is straight up just bunnyjumping with a 'blink' ability.The lerk, is kind of unique I guess, but very intuitive tbh.So I think if you have experience with arena shooters, it should help you learn the movement system.Of course, arena shooters also have a rep for being hard to get in to, so I guess there is a transition of properties there. The game is mechanically difficult. Shooting skulks requires tracking fast moving and erratic targets with a lot of vertical movement, which is not very common in FPS. Shooting at your feet is also not very common and can be disorientating.
Correct positioning (by yourself and with respect to your teammates) it also very important and you need to know the map. Shotgun is a lot of flick shot.At the same time it's what makes the game interesting, for a large part. I haven't looked much high level NS2 but high level NS1 was beautiful to watch. K/d ratio is not important for winning a game, Teamwork is the most important thing for marines, it's far easier to cover your buddies than take on an alien one on one. Keeping each other alive and following your commander/experienced players is the best way to win.For Aliens you can do a lot more 'lone wolf' stuff, using speed and stealth to pick off lone marines, and tacking out marine resources behind enemy lines. But when you attack a group of Marines (which you have to do if they have any coordination) means you have to work with and support the 'higher life forms' on your team.I love NS2, the extra strategic depth it offers really got my attention, but my favourite moments are definitely the frenetic fights where your bouncing of walls with the adrenaine pumping, reacting on instintinct. I'm not a great FPS player, and it took me 30-40 hours to get confident with NS2, however its become one of my favourite games ever.The community is really friendly from what i've seen, rookie servers are a great place to start, and even after that other players are willing to talk you through the finer tactics of the game.

Natural Selection 2 Alien Vision
Whether you play as one of the elite marine Frontiersmen or the vicious alien Kharaa, you must use unique strategies and your abilities to win. Marines buy weaponry and form persistent squads to find and destroy alien hives. Aliens can choose a wall-running Skulk, pudgy Gorge, flying Lerk, murderous Fade or gigantic Onos that can devour enemies whole.Real-time StrategyNew strategy gameplay allows players to Command from overhead. Build structures anywhere, collect resources and research upgrades. The marines can build phase gates, sentry turrets and siege cannons to assault the enemy. Aliens can build upgrade chambers, evolve special abilities, lay eggs and plant traps.Dynamic EnvironmentsLevels change as you play. Spreading alien infestation deforms hallways and causes space station power failure, halting all lifts.
Destroying a catwalk's supports causes it to fall, revealing a new route. Use a flamethrower to clear infestation, spin webs to block a passage or weld a bulkhead shut for a last defense. Every game is different.Unlimited VariationsFlexible game rules and scripting allow you to create your own unique scenarios like 'Colonist Rescue', 'Alien vs. Alien' or anything else you can dream up.
Free automatic updates keep the game fresh by adding new levels and abilities.