Star Wars Empire At War Heroes

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May 7, 2014 - STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack. All Discussions. Chewbacca/Han Solo- Assualt heroes, Land and Space. Rogue Squadron-. May 06, 2017  Hi, Please could someone tell me if it is possible to have all the Star Wars heroes all together in one game? I'm playing the following: Star Wars Empire at War: FOC with the following mods; 1. Alliance at War 2. Elite Conflict Mod 3. Republic at War Sorry to sound daft but I can never have a game with all the usual heroes from the start?? Am I doing something wrong?


Star Wars Empire At War Forces Of Corruption Planets

The Consortium.The Consortium use the StarViper fighter, While not as plentiful as the TIE Figher or as robust as the X-Wing, They make up for it in besting both at multi tasking, The TIE Fighters have trouble against anything that isnt a Y-Wing (But Interceptors dont) and X-Wings cannot fight anything bigger than a fly's private parts well. The StarViper costs slightly more though, but they have more health than both enemy fighters.The Skipray Blastboat is the Consortium Bomber, It fights better that both enemy bombers against fighters and has a slightly higher fire rate, However, If an enemy fighter targets the Skipray while its fighting something else OR they are targetted first, They generally wont make it. Invest wisely.The Empire.The Empire has had enough of thier TIE fighters sucking and getting shot down by the Rebels and has developed another fighter to replace the moderately sucking TIE Fighter, The TIE Interceptor, It has a much easier time against enemy fighters, It can be spawned from Victory Cruisers, Space Stations and Imperial Star Destroyers. Acclamators still spawn the TIE Fighter however.The Rebellion.The Rebel Alliance has takes steps to replace the aging Y-Wings and has replaced them with the B-Wing, The B-Wing can be bought at any world with a high enough tech level and shipyard. They dont really fight well against enemy fighters but deal great damage to enemy ships. The ConsortiumThe Consortium have a new frigate, Called the Vengeance class, It is unsheilded, Leaving it open to artillery strikes from the enemy factions, But also have a massive damage output, Breaking through the shields on smaller vessels instantly.The Interceptor IV is the exact same as the Pirate Frigate and can be bought in Skirmish by the Rebels and Empire at a space station controlled by neither faction.

Star Wars Empire At War Heroes

It is your main ship early in any game when you are the Consortium.The Empire lacks a new frigateThe RebellionThe Rebellion has the M30c class ship, Effectively a capital ship destroyer. This is better suited to destroying slower craft, Not just capital ships, Cannot defend itself against smaller craft. Modern combat 5 hack no human verification codes.