Alternate History Hub Discord
Year: 1942In the second global conflict, also known as 'World War Two,' the old nation of Germany is at war with Great Britain and Russia. Once the United States of America joins, Germany is out of almost every way to win the war.
Rp Hub Discord
Then, as a move of desperation, the leader allows Jewish Scientists to have their jobs back, and finally figure out how to build the ultimate weapon. The Atom Bomb. Once the Allied nations get through 'Vichy' France the leader of Germany at the time, Adolf Hitler, decides to launch Nuclear Bombs on the cities of Moscow, Russia; London, England; and Washington D.C, United States of America.Unknown to Adolf- the United States had been creating weapons as well, and they launch attacks on Berlin, Germany and Tokyo, Japan.
This results in the end of World War Two between the main powers, but smaller nations keep fighting until 1945. By the end of the decade, all former nations had fallen, due to internal conflicts or being invaded by a larger nation, which soon faces one of those two fates.Year: 2019World Governments are beginning to return.
While since the 1960's city-states had existed, only around now are countries popping up larger than one city or town. The technology of this timeline is only 15 years behind ours due to scientists still working, despite their countries having fallen.A new age of humanity has begun. Will your nation crush your weaker neighbours, or will you protect your new allies? Make the choice, in Mutually Assured Destruction- Modern Warfare!
Teleportation: Discord is able to teleport from one place to another, as well as teleport objects or people and make objects disappear out of thin air. He can also use this ability to teleport across alternate dimensions such as the real-world of 'Ogres and Oubliettes' and his own personal dimension.
The Second American Civil American what everyone feared yet foresaw.The lines are being drawn Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, New Mexico are Constitutes. The North East, California, Washington, Hawaii minus pearl harbour, are Federals l.
The rest undecided. The Federalsare the proleft/people who support the federal government and the Constitutes are the proright/people who believe the federal government has gone to far and is stripping the people of their rights. WHO WILL YOU FIGHT FOR. Let the blood of brothers and sisters flow over the soil for a second time. Let the nation reunite thru the flames of War. Or let it crumble in the wake of the destruction of civil strife. Choose and pave a path in history of America and the world.
A fish in the sea. It's up to you to fill in the rest. Create nations, people, a backstory, everything you desire (as long as you don't change the continent's shape). Submissions will be accepted up until May 1st. My top 3 favorites will be featured at the end of Alternate Countries 4. May 04, 2019 Map / Flag / Alternate History Discord. LINK HERE ^A discord server for discussion of maps, flags, alternate history and all that. There's a few offtopic channels and a bot too! Thread by: XO Maenadicus, Jun 20, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Alternate History Maps and Graphics. Showing results 1.
In the year of 1945 the germans launched a desperate attack against the allied powers named the battle of the buldge. However the American forces at the same time were moving troops south for an offensive into the Rhine, so were caught off guard and confused. The German tigers tore through the American lines and successfully captured all allied ports in the Benelux area and encircled 2 million allied troops forcing the west the sue for peace.
After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the germans moved all troops to the east for a brutal 3 year long war with the Soviet Union. With the soviets making new scientific and technological advancements and developing new and better technology, the germans rushes the development of their own nuclear bomb, and with Italian and Spanish fighter support, the a bomb was dropped on Moscow. With italy collapsing in democratic revolt 2 weeks later and the Benelux revolting against Germany, the world still hangs on a thread surrounded by 3 superpowers intent on their own idea of world domination.